ROUTINES In The Present Time

Assalamualaikum wr.wb ✨
Hello Friends! Wellcome back with me.. How are you today ? I hope you're all fine.
Before we study, it will be better if you pray first, hope Allah SWT will help all of us
Nah, Today I'm going to talk about routines
Are you ready for this? So, check it out!
Before we study, it will be better if you pray first, hope Allah SWT will help all of us
Nah, Today I'm going to talk about routines
Are you ready for this? So, check it out!
1) Purpose 🔅
To give information or to ask information about routines in the present time. Untuk memberikan informasi atau untuk menanyakan informasi tenang rutinitas di waktu sekarang.
2) We Use Grammar : Simple Present Tense 🔅
Example :
- I go to school by bicycle. Aku pergi ke sekolah menggunakan sepeda.
- Kenari usually doesn't go to English Club. Kenari biasanya tidak pergi ke Klub Bahasa Inggris.
-Do you read book everyday? No, I don't. Apakah kamu membaca buku setiap hari? Tidak, saya tidak.
The above sentences are in the simple present tense. Sentences number 1, 2, 3 talk about activities that happen regularly (routines). Kalimat diatas termasuk simple present tense. kalimat nomor 1,2,3, berbicara tentang aktivitas yang terjadi secara teratur ( rutinitas ).
3) Structure of Simple Present Tense 🔅
✔ Positive
Subject + Verb1/verb1+es + (Object) + (Adv)
Subject + Verb1/verb1+es + (Object) + (Adv)
I drink a cup of tea in the morning
✔ Negative
Subject + Do/Does + Not + Verb1 + (Object) + (Adv)
Reyna does not wake up at 3 a.m
❓Asking routines (1)
Do/Does + Subject + Verb1 + (Object) + (Adv) + ?
Do You go to gym everyday ?
⭕Answer (1)
Yes, I do / No, I don't
❓Asking Routines (2)
Where/Who/When/Why/How + Do/Does + Subject + Verb1 + (Object) + (Adv) + ?
How do you usually go to school ?
✔ Negative
Subject + Do/Does + Not + Verb1 + (Object) + (Adv)
Reyna does not wake up at 3 a.m
❓Asking routines (1)
Do/Does + Subject + Verb1 + (Object) + (Adv) + ?
Do You go to gym everyday ?
⭕Answer (1)
Yes, I do / No, I don't
❓Asking Routines (2)
Where/Who/When/Why/How + Do/Does + Subject + Verb1 + (Object) + (Adv) + ?
How do you usually go to school ?
⭕Answer (2)
I usually go to school by car
Viko : She cooks food to be sold in her foot stall. She usually opens her stall at 5.30 a.m. People buy rice with dishes for their breakfast. Mrs.Ani, my neighboor, helps her serve costumers. the food is delicious with affordable prices. Dia memasak makanan untuk dijual di etalase makanan. Dia biasanya membuka tokonya jam 5.30. Orang membeli nasi dengan piring untuk mereka sarapan. Ibu Ani, tetanggaku, membantu dia melayani pelanggan. Makanannya enak dengan harga yang terjangkau.
I usually go to school by car
4) Example from book✨
Randy : What does your mother do after arriving home ? Apa yang dilakukan ibumu setelah tiba dirumah ?Viko : She cooks food to be sold in her foot stall. She usually opens her stall at 5.30 a.m. People buy rice with dishes for their breakfast. Mrs.Ani, my neighboor, helps her serve costumers. the food is delicious with affordable prices. Dia memasak makanan untuk dijual di etalase makanan. Dia biasanya membuka tokonya jam 5.30. Orang membeli nasi dengan piring untuk mereka sarapan. Ibu Ani, tetanggaku, membantu dia melayani pelanggan. Makanannya enak dengan harga yang terjangkau.
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