GENERAL TRUTH In The Present Time

Hasil gambar untuk facts illustration

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb ✨

Hello Guys ! Nice to meet you. How are you ? I hope you alright. Nah, Today i want to talk about general truth. I hope my blog will make you understand and happy. 

1) Purpose🔅

To give and ask information about general truth in the present time. Untuk memberikan dan menanyakan informasi tentang fakta umum di waktu sekarang.

2) We Use Simple Present Tense 🔅

Example "Simple Present Tense" for general truth :
-My Father is kind and friendly. Ayahku baik hati dan ramah.
-The Elephant is not small. Gajah tidak kecil.
-Are you Andinar's brother ? Apakah kamu saudara (laki-laki)nya Andinar ?
For give and ask information about general truth we use simple present tense, so don't use another tense, okay ? Untuk membrikan dan menanyakan informasi tentang kebenaran umum kita menggunakan simple present tense, Jadi jangan gunakan tense lainnya, oke ?

3) The Structure of Simple Present Tense

-Subject + to be + adj/adv/N
The Earth is around
-Subject + to be + not + adj/adv/N
She is not fat
❓Asking (1)
-to be + Subject + adj/adv/N + ?
Is giraffes a mammal ? 
✔Answer (1)
-Yes, subject + to be
Yes, It is
-No, subject + to be + not  
No, She is not
❓Asking (2)
-Where/Who/When/Why/How + to be + Subject + adj/adv/N + ?
Why is The Giraffe tall ? 
✔Answer (1) 
To answer this question, It is according to the text.
Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini, itu tergantung pada teks.

4) Example sentences for you  🎶

- The Cat is carnivora. Kucing itu karnivora.
- The adult Shark is big and have sharp teeth. Hiu dewasa itu besar dan mempunyai gigi yang tajam .
-Flamingos is tall and have skinny legs. Flamingo itu tinggi dan mempunyai kaki yang langsing.
- The Cat isn't herbivore. Kucing itu tidak herbivora.
- The adult shark isn't small. Hiu dewasa itu tidak kecil.
- Flamingos isn't have fat legs. Flamingo-flamingo itu tidak mempunyai kaki yang gemuk.
Reyna : "Lerry! Cause you're love chocolate, You should know this. Is this chocolate delicious ? Lerry! Karena kamu suka coklat, kamu seharusnya tahu ini. Apakah coklat ini enak ?
Lerry : "Oooh. Yes, it is delicious." Oooh.Ya, itu enak.
Penguins ( order Sphenisciformes, familly Spheniscideae) Are a group of aquatic flightless, birds living almost exclusively in the Southern Hemisphere, especially in Antartica. Penguin ( Urutan Sphenischiformers, keluarga Spheniscideae) adalah sekolmpok burung air yang tidak dapat terbang, tinggal hampir secara eksklusif di belahan bumi selatan, khususnya di Antartika.

The teacher : "So Students, now that we know, where is Penguins lives ?" Jadi murid-murid sekarang kita tahu, Dimana penguin-penguin tingal ?
Arry ( The Student ) : "Penguins living in the Southern Hemisphere, especially in Antartica." Penguin-penguin tinggal di belahan bumi selatan, khususnya di Antartika.

5) General Truth comic for you 🍁

6) General Truth video for you 🍁

So, Thank you so much for all!
Hope you enjoy and understand this
See you again !

Sumber revrensi : 
Buku Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP kls VIII sem 2 ( PT Penerbit Intan Pariwara )


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