Showing Existence and Preposition of something

Hello Guys! Comeback with me, You're all miss me don't you ? I know it ehehe, just kidding.
Nah, today I'm gonna talking about Showing existence and preposition of place. But , I'm gonna talking about showing existence first. So let's go !💞
Hasil gambar untuk exist"
To ask or give information about exist or unexist of someone/something. Untuk menanyakan atau memberi informasi tentang ada atau tidaknya seseorang/sesuatu.

🐱‍💻 Structure of the text🐱‍💻
We can use "There is" if followed singular noun or uncountable noun. Kita dapat menggunakan "There is" jika diikuti kata benda tunggal atau benda tak terhitung.
And we can use "There are" if followed by plural nouns. Dan kita dapat menggunakan "There are" jika diikuti kata benda jamak.
  • Positive
There is/ There are + Noun + (adv), Example :
There is a book. Ini sebuah buku.
There are students. Mereka murid-murid.
  • Negative 
There is/ There are + not + Noun + (adv), Example :
There is not a book.Ini bukan sebuah buku.
There are not students. Mereka bukan murid-murid.
  • Asking existence
Are/Is + There + Noun + (adv) + ?, Example :
Is there a toilet here? Apakah ada sebuah toilet disini?
Are there many trees in the village ? Apakah ada banyak pohon di desa ?

🐱‍🐉 Example from book🐱‍🐉
There are different kinds of public transportation : buses, trains, ojeks, and angkots. There are some traditional transportation : becaks, bentors, andongs, or delmans.Disini ada banyak perbedaan transportasi publik : bus, kereta, ojek, dan angkot. Disini ada beberapa transportasi tradisional : becak, bentor, andong, atau delman. 

🐱‍👤 Example by me🐱‍👤

Hasil gambar untuk preposition of place"
many preposition of place
are used to show the position or location of people, object, or animals, and to answer 'where' questions. Digunakan untuk menunjukkan posisi atau lokasi seseorang, objek, atau hewan, dan untuk menjawab pertanyaan 'dimana'.

🐱‍🐉 Example from book🐱‍🐉
There is a rooster on the cage. Disini ada sebuah ayam di atas kandang.
There is a rooster in the cage. Disini ada sebuah ayam di dalam kandang.
The rooster is in front of the cage. Ayamnya ada di depan kandang.

🐱‍👤Example by me🐱‍👤

So, that's all about willingness and capability.
Hope you like this, don't forget to comment.
And good bye ! See you next time✨


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