
Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2019

Giving Opinion

Hai Friends !! Comeback with me, hope you're all fine there ! Today, I will to explain about giving opinion Anyone not clearly yet ? So, let's us begin ! Giving opinion An opinion is the way you feel or think about something. Ask opinion  What do you think about..? Apa yang kamu pikirkan tentang...? What is your opinion/view/perspective/feeling about..? Apa opini/pandangan/perspektifmu tentang...? Do you think that..? Apa kamu pikir itu..? Give opinion  I think.. Aku pikir.. My opinion/view/perspective/feeling about... is.. Opini/pandangan/prespektif tentang... adalah.. Yes, I do/ No, I don't. Ya, saya juga/Tidak, saya tidak Response  Aggre / dissagre,  Setuju/ tidak setuju I think so / I don't think so,   Aku pikir juga begitu /  Aku tidak berpikir begitu. Forms Verbal = Subject + Verb1 + Object + adv Verbal = Subject + Verb1+ es/s + Object +adv Non-verbal = Subject + to be +adj/adv/noun Example from book ...